Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Do you keep my pornography?

What if we use the stopwatch to measure the duration of all the audio and video materials of Hilary Duff in relation to all the teachings of Carl Sagan, which was published or aired in the Western world?, Busty singer and actress would win with thundering ovations to our animal mentality. This is normal, because how would otherwise we will be drunk and horny at a party touching our friend's sister while some strange grandpa babbles about subatomic particles?

What will ultimately win, human idiocy or human reason? Both of these conditions make us human beings, but we are all smart enough to conclude what of the two make us better people. The current result is, unfortunately, for the benefit of the team Idiots. But the latest goal for a reasonable humanity was scored by the European Community with their project "Planets". Reuters brings interesting news about group of smartheads agreed to preserve the existing digital data formats that can be read in the future. Project included experts from 16 European libraries, headed by representatives of the British Library, Austrian National Library and similar freaks.

Many of you reading this are IT literate enough that it do not need to be explained that on your computer or somewhere at the moment is from 1000 to at least 300.000 images, texts, movies, presentations and more. All these files are formatted in the hundreds of different "languages" that computers can interpret (formats as jpg, mp3, avi, mov, gif, doc, txt, ppt, xls). We may add to all that you store the data on your hard disk, DVD, CD, floppy disk, USB flash memory, etc. and that would be something like several thousands of the world's literary works written in several hundred languages on the media made of paper, papyrus, parchment, clay, stone, wood, copper, plastic films, glass, etc. And each manufacturer of each format struggles that his type of record make success on the market. So today many of the technologies disappear, new ones are emerging, and along with that the quality of our media for storing data can not endure for long - for DVDs it is estimated maximum durability 10-50 years, depending upon whom you ask for an opinion.

Thus, the EU Commission winced a bit and decided to make a "Digital genome" and put it in the time capsule, and store it in the best-guarded warehouse in the whole Europe - Swiss Fort Knox. Though the idiotic name of the vault do not inspire us with confidence, the project itself promises much by its potential. Digital genome should do the similar job of the real genome - to give instructions on how to do something, in this case it means to give instructions to the distant future generations to read our data preserved today. That's why I did this and shared it with you, because I fight for the victory of reason over nonsense, the skepticism over trance, and the faith over superstition.

The skin goes like goose bumps, tears fill my eyes when a beautiful event such this happen in our troubled civilization. But all of this raises new questions - who will eventually win? Popular songs or physics, superstition or education? What will our distant descendants read out of our today's media? Or, God forbid, visitors from a distant part of the universe? What they could conclude by "infinite" amount of distributed pornographic material, unreal worlds in video games, dramatization in movies, hilarious rhythm of our music and shallow lyrics of our songs that make us dance? Would they dig us out or bury us again as if we didn't even exist? Spit on our geological strata?

Generally, what you think, what you read, what you write, what are you looking at, what are you singing, what you believe, that is what define your own "Final judgment", but that's also what's define the judgment about our generation. You and I have just one chance, only this life and if you think you can't do anything more, at least don't allow Swiss Fort Knox keep access to your stupidities for the future. Let your emails, your presentations, your photos speak the words of love and hope to the people you know, that you are with them when everything else fails. Tell them to read and to learn, to visit sick ones, to live healthy, make them laugh heartily. That's the way we are going to be dug out some day and someone would learn something smart, and we will resurrect in such a way. On the contrary, we will be swallowed by the dark of oblivion. And so it be.

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